Most individuals who receive a cash benefit from Social Security and have Medicare are able to have Medicare premiums automatically deducted from their monthly benefit. However, for those who no longer receive a cash benefit, making Medicare premium payments just got easier!

Individuals can now use their bank’s online bill pay service to make Medicare premium payments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  Social Security and CMS are not involved in establishing online bill pay services with banks so individuals should contact their bank directly for assistance. Please see Social Security’s post about Online Bill Payment for Medicare Premiums at the following link for more detailed instructions and a list of the information you will need to provide your bank in order to set this service up – You can also click here to get more information about this payment option from the website.

Have no fear!…Automatic deduction of Medicare premiums from monthly benefits is not changing and will continue to be an option for those individuals who are still receiving a cash benefit from Social Security. Online bill pay is simply a new and convenient option for those individuals who are no longer receiving cash benefits and have been making Medicare premium payments directly to CMS via mailed checks or money orders, credit or debit card payments, or through Medicare Easy Pay (an electronic payment option currently available).