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Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS):
DORS provides benefits planning services to beneficiaries who are receiving DORS services. Please contact your DORS counselor to request benefits planning services from DORS. If you having trouble accessing benefits planning through your DORS counselor and need assistance, please reach out to us at the ‘Contact Us’ link.
Maryland Work Incentives Network (MD-WIN):
MD-WIN provides free benefits and work incentives counseling services to Social Security disability beneficiaries via the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program. WIPA is a Social Security funded benefits counseling program that seeks to help beneficiaries understand and utilize work incentives to obtain financial independence. If you do not have access to benefits planning services through DORS, you may be able to access information and services through MD-WIN.
Maryland Employment Network (MD-EN):
MD-EN is an Employment Network that takes part in Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program. The MD-EN connects Social Security beneficiaries with the services they need to go to work, including benefits counseling, so that beneficiaries can obtain financial independence.