Social Security were in the practice of publishing an annual version of their highly comprehensive guide to work incentives for those on SSDI and SSI but, like a disused KN95 mask, it appears to have fallen by the wayside.
SSA’s Red Book webpage shows the last full version was published in January 2020. However, some effort to update the records has been made with an adjacent tab on the page which allows the reader to see what’s new in 2023. That sidenote records the new annual income thresholds, SSI Federal Benefit Rate and Medicare premium changes. Careful though, the old Benefit Offset Demonstration (BOND) project features in the 2020 book. It ended in September 2022, but its termination is not considered news in 2023.
For the most part the basic rules and regulations governing work incentives for Title II and Title XVI have not undergone any changes in the intervening years and the guide remains helpful even if now in a more general sense.
To access the red book page you can go here: Social Security Online – The Red Book – A Guide to Work Incentives (