In what would seem a confirmation of long term plans regarding the new BPQY (Benefits Planning Query) and the deletion of the IRS records(see the March 26, 2021 blog for more details) Social Security has published a 2021 edition of the BPQY Handbook.

This year’s edition shows a sample BPQY without the IRS records that used to be found on its last page ,so while there was some hope that this change may have been resolvable it would now appear not to be the case.

While that change may cause disappointment, the handbook itself gives valuable information on all details of the BPQY and delivers precise instruction on the process for requesting the report and even records the wording that should be used. All in all, it does provide a very handy service to anyone who’s new to benefits counseling or indeed anyone who’s looking for more information about the valued form.

You can see the handbook for yourself here: BPQY_Handbook.pdf (