Social Security recently published the long-awaited 2020 version of their Red Book. This handy publication that clearly describes itself in its sub-heading of “A Summary Guide to Employment Supports for Persons with Disabilities under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Programs” is available in PDF, in paperback form, as well as in braille, audio-CD, and large print formats.
This is an invaluable reference tool for anyone seeking general information on such matters as work incentives, and resources available to those seeking employment support. Curiously though, if you are seeking, for example, the (fairly) new Substantial Gainful Activity or Trial Work Period thresholds the book refers you to the separate “What’s New in 2020” section on the SSA webpage.
To access the book on-line or to order a different format you can go here