In another move to seemingly keep with the times Social Security has introduced a new Mobile Check-in Express feature. The set- up purports to ease the check in process for anyone visiting an SSA office, although it remains unclear to this reader of the promotional page Social Security Update | SSA what advantage it has over the current system, challenging as that may be.
As SSA would have it, visitors need only come to the office, scan a QR code to join the queue, and wait for an alert when their number is called. As with the established check-in process, they are required to make sure they are in the office at the time they are called. The only difference between this innovation and they current system of going to a machine and getting a ticket is the absence of a piece of paper.
One might also add that given the average age of SSA’s clientele this innovation may struggle to catch on, but hey-ho for modernity and the march of science.