This Monday, February 27, will see the start of a week-long ‘celebration and call to action for everyday Americans to commit to saving successfully,’ or so says the official America Saves Week website.

The non-profit organization, America Saves, has been running the promotional week since 2007 and has partnered with numerous agencies, corporations and governmental branches including the Social Security Administration to encourage all of us to plan ahead financially.

Each working day of the up-coming week will have a theme centered on savings plans. For instance, the week will kick off with the focus on ‘Saving Automatically’. Participants can discuss ways to set aside money on a regular basis. 

The subject may have been rather an awkward for SSA in the years prior to the institution of ABLE accounts and it remains to be seen what tools they suggest to SSI recipients who were determined disabled after the age of 26 but the purpose on a grander scale appears well-meaning and worthwhile.

For more information on America Saves Week you can go here: America Saves Week | America Saves

For information on financial planning as provided by Social Security you can have a look at the following webpage and a brochure the agency has issued:

Plan for retirement | SSA

Anytime is the Right Time to Save for Your Future (