As is always the case the new year will bring with it some changes and the sense that more can be made. We know those new figures for work incentives such as the Trial Work Period and Substantial Gainful Activity heralded by Social Security back in October will now come into effect; and letters have been sent out letting every beneficiary know what the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) will do to their monthly check. As of January 7 SSA offices will be reverting to full opening hours throughout the working week, and the agency would like to put in place measures to monitor Continuing Disability Reviews more assiduously.

Here at MDBCN Towers we have been keeping an eye on those changes and do our best to keep you abreast of the latest news as well as providing spotlights on specific benefits issues and matters that we feel would be of interest to beneficiaries and those who provide support. To provide a better service we would be interested in hearing from you and learning what else you may be interested in reading about in 2020. Be it a particular topic that you can’t quite fathom, an issue you have encountered that’s particular to you, or even just a general question about something vaguely benefits-related, all suggestions and feedback will be appreciated.

If you do have a suggestion or question please contact us at this website. The direct link is here