If you are currently enrolled in or have had experience applying for Maryland’s Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) program, please consider taking a moment to fill out a survey and provide feedback about your experience – positive or negative.
Willing to Work, a newly formed Maryland initiative, is seeking personal stories from EID applicants and recipients about their experiences with the program. This information will help to identify strengths and weaknesses of the program and determine ways to improve upon the application and enrollment process. This is a great opportunity to share your voice and take action to help strengthen program policy!
Click on the following link for a YouTube video from Willing to Work with more information and access to the survey-
Or you can access the survey directly by clicking the link here – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeS1NI2ZmKJ8AckNjD93bFBFe_EfJdXo8VOOwm-TdaltK-f1Q/viewform.