In the1960s the British government commissioned a review of the nation’s railways as part of a plan to improve the efficiency of the nationalized network. The outcome was the now famous Beeching Report, so named for its author, which recommended the closure of dozens upon dozens of branch lines and stations as they were deemed to be too expensive.
There are certainly equivalent main tracks and branch lines within the many and varied Medicaid coverage groups and, like those British railways, some have been deemed obsolete and have been lost along the way. It may be seen as peculiar that the relatively new but immensely well-trafficked MAGI coverage group (A-Track) remains in danger from Republican meddling. Yet one of the smaller tracks has persisted and should continue to do so in Maryland, at least. This is the lesser traveled E-Track. It is here that those in foster care, those who were in foster care, and those eligible for subsidized adoption are granted Medicaid or at the least funding to cover their costs.
Despite being listed as one track, and despite the track’s title suggesting three coverage groups, there are in actuality five groups listed under the aegis of the E-Track.
You’ll find yourself on this track if you’re in foster care or eligible for subsidized adoption and have SSI (E01); are in one of those same situations but don’t have SSI (E02); or are an adult up to the age of 26 who used to be in foster care but aged out at 18 (E05).
For those who meet the criteria for E02 but aren’t US citizens, permanent residents or don’t have Social Security cards Maryland will fund MA coverage. You fall under the E03 category if you’re in foster care, and under E04 if you’re eligible for adoption.
If you fit into any of those categories you’ll get MA coverage no matter what your income or your resources: a fact which is probably most relevant and heartening to those adults who used to be in foster care and are looking to make their way in the world.
The British rail system has experienced almost innumerable changes since the Beeching Report as each successive government experiments with new solutions. We can surely expect more changes to Medicaid as the years go on too but, in a wistful hope, maybe one day the US will follow that rather good idea that came into being in the UK in 1948 and there’ll only be one coverage group: everyone.