W: Work Incentives
O: Offer
R: Real
K: Knowledge and
S: Self-Determination!
Learn the facts that lead to informed choices about work and economic self sufficiency for individuals who receive Social Security disability benefits and associated health insurance! After completion of this webinar you should understand:
- The difference between Social Security disability benefit programs and eligibility criteria
- The difference between Medicare and Medicaid
- How work incentives can be used to temporarily safeguard benefits
- How work incentives can assist individuals with the transition to work and self-sufficiency
- What work incentive protections exist to maintain state and federal health insurance during employment
- The importance of benefits education and benefits counseling services to employment success rates
This training event will be held via WEBINAR. Please use the link below to register for the Zoom Event.
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__1nDzfvWTrqs9xqA-TYE1Q
The training event will be held in a two-part series:
Part I – Monday, May 15, 2023 – 9:30am – 12:30pm
Part II – Tuesday, May 16, 2023 – 9:30am – 12:30pm
- Full attendance and participation in BOTH Part I and Part II and completion of a post-training assessment with a passing score of 80% are mandatory to obtain a Certificate of Proficiency (COP)!
- You MUST be able to participate in the web-based webinar, there is no “phone-in” option for this training.
- This training is FREE to attend!
- *Please note, individual pre-registration is mandatory for participation*
Please note, if registration reaches capacity and you are not within a priority registrant group, you may be placed on the wait list. You will receive an email confirm